
Celebrating a Big Milestone: How Small Change Can Make a Huge Difference

04 October 2024

Celebrating a Big Milestone: How Small Change Can Make a Huge Difference
At More, we’re thrilled to share some fantastic news with you. Thanks to the generosity of our community, we’ve reached an extraordinary milestone—raising a remarkable $50,000 through our partnership with Small Change Big Change! 
This achievement is a testament to how even the smallest contributions can make a significant impact. Let’s explore how this journey began and why your support means so much. 
The Power of a Simple Idea 
It all started with a simple yet powerful concept: What if we could make it easy for people to contribute just a little, but collectively create a huge difference? That’s the idea behind Small Change Big Change, an initiative the Telco Together Foundation created. The program gives More’s customers the chance to add a small donation—just $1—to their monthly telco bills. This small act of kindness, multiplied by many, becomes a force for good, funding programs that support young Australians in need. 
More’s Commitment to Giving Back 
For us at More, this partnership is more than just a corporate initiative; it’s a reflection of who we are. We’ve always believed in the power of connections—not just through our services, but in the way we engage with and uplift our community. Supporting Small Change Big Change felt like a natural fit, allowing us to live our values by contributing to causes that promote mental well-being, identity, and a sense of belonging for Australia’s youth. 
Building Resilience in Young Australians 
The $50,000 raised is already making an incredible difference, helping to fund programs run by ReachOut, Red Dust, and the Beacon Foundation. These organisations play a crucial role in providing young Australians with the resources and support they need to build resilience. Whether it’s promoting good mental health, fostering a sense of identity, or creating connections beyond the digital world, these programs are making a lasting impact on the lives of countless young people. 
Why On-Bill Donations Work So Well 
You might wonder—why ask for just $1 on your monthly bill? The answer is simple: We wanted to make giving as effortless and accessible as possible. In today’s world, online donations are increasingly popular, but they often feel like a one-time action. By integrating a small, recurring donation into your bill, we create a sustainable way for you to contribute to something meaningful, month after month. It’s a seamless process that turns a small gesture into something incredibly powerful. 
Looking Forward 
Reaching $50,000 is just the beginning. We’re excited about what’s next and the continued impact we can make together. If you’re already part of this journey with us, thank you! Your contribution is changing lives. If you haven’t yet added your $1 donation and would like to, please get in touch with our customer service team who will work with you to include this reoccurring small monthly donation onto your account.
Together, we’re building a stronger, more resilient future for young Australians—one small change at a time.